The 2020 Forest Action Plan is based on the best available science. The data assembled during production of the Forest Action Plan are shared on this page, within geodatabases. An atlas of maps is also available to assist with finding and evaluating the compiled data.
This data dictionary lists all of the datasets, and can be referred to to identify which geodatabases contain the data you are seeking. Metadata are included in the data dictionary and are also embedded within each geodatabase.
The data are shared within geodatabases structured to approximate the structure of the Assessment, with thematic groupings of resources, threats, risk, and strategy.
- Biodiversity (243 MB)
- Carbon (1.3 GB)
- Indigenous and Traditional Communities (2 MB)
- Multiple (142 MB)
- Recreation and Cultural Use (83 MB)
- Strategies and Priorities (785 MB)
- Threats (1.1 GB)
- Timber and Grazing (3.9 GB)
- Urban Forests and Communities (882 MB)
- Water Quality and Supply (7.3 GB)
- Wildland Communities (44 MB)
- All Data in single zip file (15.7 GB)
If you have any questions about these data, please don’t hesitate to email Steve Bassett (